Gay Marriage: Is God Doing a New Thing?
Your Prunella is heterosexual, a widow, celibate. Yes, getting on in years, and totally in love with the Lord for most of them. In divinity school the other seminarians teased me for my "Sunday School faith." One ongoing debate between my darling late husband and myself was how much much authority has Scripture. I say, "Much!" "Word of God!" "Word!"
My Lamp, the Book of Books, yes! But lest we become bibliolatrists (sp?) we also have the authority and leading of the Holy Spirit who reveals new truth. And I realized something today I when wondering what the Holy Spirit is saying to us about gay marriage.
First I thought about Scripture. The priestly writer of Genesis states God created male and female; and Jesus validates that, "therefore a man shall leave his parents and cleave unto his wife." These words make up the most valid argument against gay marriage.
But then I thought about the Sabbath, created by God and ordained as sacred, and commanded at Sinai to be remembered as holy. When Jesus healed on the Sabbath and shucked corn on the Sabbath, his co-religionists were so upset and so focused on Scripture they couldn't see that God was doing a new thing before their very eyes.
In our zeal for Scripture are we actually looking to see whether God is blessing the marriages of gay persons? Perhaps God is doing a new thing.
I'm not making an argument or reaching a conclusion. I'm just saying that we could miss a leading of the Holy Spirit by blindly crying, "Scripture Scripture Scripture."
"Show me your ways, God. Teach me your paths." (Psalm 25)
My Lamp, the Book of Books, yes! But lest we become bibliolatrists (sp?) we also have the authority and leading of the Holy Spirit who reveals new truth. And I realized something today I when wondering what the Holy Spirit is saying to us about gay marriage.
First I thought about Scripture. The priestly writer of Genesis states God created male and female; and Jesus validates that, "therefore a man shall leave his parents and cleave unto his wife." These words make up the most valid argument against gay marriage.
But then I thought about the Sabbath, created by God and ordained as sacred, and commanded at Sinai to be remembered as holy. When Jesus healed on the Sabbath and shucked corn on the Sabbath, his co-religionists were so upset and so focused on Scripture they couldn't see that God was doing a new thing before their very eyes.
In our zeal for Scripture are we actually looking to see whether God is blessing the marriages of gay persons? Perhaps God is doing a new thing.
I'm not making an argument or reaching a conclusion. I'm just saying that we could miss a leading of the Holy Spirit by blindly crying, "Scripture Scripture Scripture."
"Show me your ways, God. Teach me your paths." (Psalm 25)
You write, "One ongoing debate between my darling late husband and myself was how much much authority has Scripture. I say, "Much!" "Word of God!" "Word!" "
I ask: more authority than what....?
I didn't say "more," I said "much"!
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